I had been in a relationship for many years before I met Tim. I was mistreated, cheated on, and lied to, but his words always sounded so very good. After each of the bad days, there was a full day of "I'm sorry" and "I love you." Oh boy, how naive I was back then.
I would listen to the words and believe them. You guys, this man could sell ANYTHING. I mean he was so convincing that all the bad things would never happen again. I was a smart girl but so very dumb at the same time.
After years of this, I had my lightbulb moment (mentioned in last weeks blog), I left. I left fully convinced that for the rest of my life, Katie and I would be best buddies, alone. The next man that would enter for us might be her husband and that would be at least 30 years. Now I say these things and you might think they are an exaggeration of my thoughts but they are not. I 100% was not going to give any man a chance to fool me again.
After leaving the ex, I finished college and headed to interviews. I was, at the time, working for Advanced Auto Parts and got a call from the principal at Woodrow Wilson High School letting me know he had a position for me and if I would just come over and sign the papers, the job was mine. I had completed my student teaching the semester before in the same school so I didn't have to go through a full interview. I explained that I could come over on my lunch, and I did.
Picture how cute I must have looked (insert eye roll). Red mens button down, two sizes two big. Black work pants, like the ones you have to wear at Hardees. Black tennis shoes with the arch support. Yep. I was HOT.
I walk in to the office and head to the counter, asking for Mr. Maynard (the principal of the school). Behind me there is a guy waiting on an interview for the Math job. He glances up and I notice his eyes. I quickly turn back around and hear, "Man, I guess I should visit Advance Auto." I let out a breath, sign my paper, and head out. I pushed away the fast heart beat I happened to feel when he made eye contact with me. I did not have time for that.
It was November. A snow day for the kids but teachers report. Katie had to come to work with me because her daycare was closed. We enter a meeting room for the 9th grade teachers and there is that guy with the blue eyes. He walks my way but doesn't speak to me. He speaks to Katie. He asks her if she would like to go get a cookie (Katie was 3). Katie also had decided that we would not let a man near us, BUT if the man had a cookie, she would consider it. We walked together down to the lunch room and got the cookie. I smiled and the blue eyed man smiled and the meeting continued.
For months Tim brought me lunch. Subway - Ham and Cheese with pickles and light mayo.
He asked me to go to a basketball game with him one day in the school library - just like the high school kids we felt like.
We dated. He treated me like a girl should be treated. He opened doors and let me out when it rained so I never walked too far. He showed up when he said he would. He put gas in my car. He called when he said he would call.
We got engaged.
I loved this boy.
We got married on July 14, 2007. He had NEVER, not even once, told me he loved me. NEVER.
I didn't need him to. Words meant nothing to me anymore. I had heard words for years. He showed me he loved me every single day and has every day since we met.
On July 15, 2007, on our honeymoon, he finally said the words but even then, I didn't need him to.
So, to the man who is my everything, I love you. You are the greatest man I have ever known. You treat these girls like princesses and I know they will expect nothing less. I am so grateful to have you as an example for what kind of man Cole will grow up to be.
Happy Birthday weekend Tim.
Sep 27, 2019, 7:45:58 PM
Shirley Brown - Beautiful story. Life is always great when you find the right man! Happy Birthday Tim!
Sep 27, 2019, 1:01:38 PM
jamie brandstetter - Kelli i have known u my whole life. And i had no idea u were so badly mistreated by Mark. Im so sorry u had to go through that. But i am so happy God sent u the right man at the right time. U have a beautiful family. God bless u all.
Sep 27, 2019, 11:57:20 AM
Susan Richmond - Happy birthday, Tim! I love your story Kelli!