The Carrico's

After attending college for English Education in WV and teaching high school English for 6 years, I realized I wasn't living my passion. One day I decided it was time, and I wrote my resignation letter; supported by my husband, I turned in that letter in 2011, and haven't looked back.
During the past 16 years of working as a wedding photographer full-time, my life and this business has changed many times in many ways. I have won awards and been published many times but that is not what I want you to know about me, about us.
When hiring us as wedding photographer(s), you should know we will smile for you, help you with your bouquet, pin your hair and even isle runner if needed. We will be there on time; we will help you know when to smile, when to be serious, and when to just enjoy the party.
We have developed a style and reputation that shows the best of each wedding day. We provide confidence that is unmatched and images that you will want to show your grandchildren.