I've been sharing some personal stuff on this blog lately. Some things a lot of people never knew. Whether it was about my past abusive relationship or quitting my job without ever knowing if my photography business would grow, I have received several messages saying one thing, "Kelli, weren't you afraid?"
To me I guess thats a funny question. Nope. I really wasn't. Now that's not to say I'm some kind of courageous unicorn, just to say, in the moment I was not afraid. I would venture to guess many other women in my situation would say the same thing. You're afraid after. When you have time to stop the adrenaline long enough to consider what happened to you, then you could feel fear. For me, I'm about 15 years out of the relationship and 7 years since quitting my job and I rarely allow myself the time to think about what was and what could have been. It's perhaps why I've developed a little ADHD and a severe case of workaholic syndrome. "Just keep moving Kelli. Just keep moving."
In the dark days of trying to survive in the early 00's, I remember budgeting $25 for our weekly food bill. I was never afraid. Never.
On the drives crying and running away, only to later return many times over. I was never "Afraid." Never.
When I turned in my resignation letter and walked out of the office at Woodrow Wilson High School, I was not afraid. Not at all.
Why? I think my faith. I mean I always knew God was with me. You may roll your eyes at that but it's true. I was told growing up that God heard my prayers and I fully believed that. I was told that if God would provide for the birds why wouldn't he provide for me? I believed that too. Adult cynical thoughts were never part of my life. I was just naive enough to believe that what I was told my entire life about God, Faith, and Hope was real. It was. I couldn't then and can't now quite understand why people don't buy into the fact that you're going to be ok. Think about all the things you've survived so far. Think about all the things you've gone through, and sister, YOU ARE STILL HERE!!!! Come on.
Women, so many women, answered a few poll questions for me last week. One of the questions was, "Have you ever dreamed of owning your own business?" 92% of people said YES!!! 92%. That's a lot.
Follow up question: "What's stopping you?" Number one answer: I'm afraid.
OH MY HOLY LORD. You're afraid????????? Afraid of what??? Failure???? Are you serious????
Do you know how many times I failed along the way?? Like 3,000 times ya'll. Quit it.
You get ONE LIFE. This is it. You get one chance to live here on this Earth to do exactly what you are meant to do. ONE. Now for me, what keeps me going, trying new things, again starting a new branch of this business, is THE FEAR OF NOT TRYING. Now I'm for real. I wanted to start on online business so I could help more women at least try their dream of becoming a photographer. It's a dream I know well. The only fear I have is, what if I don't??? What if I had the gift and responsibility to do this thing, and I didn't? What if I was supposed to reach one single mom who needed a side hustle and I sat just where I am not working on a plan to help her?
STOP living in fear. Take a step today to do something BIG.
Are you afraid of going to the gym because you might look stupid? This should help, YOU WILL. It's cool. We've all looked stupid. Last year I got my headphones caught in a stair stepper while it was on and almost killed myself while breaking a $2,000 machine at planet fitness. It's fine. I'm fine.
Are you afraid of shooting someones family pictures because they might not like them? YOU WILL. At some point when you're starting any business you will definitely mess up and disappoint someone. Do it again. It's fine.
Are you afraid of making dinner in front of your perfect mother in law (I get it) because it might be terrible???? Guess what? The first time IT WON'T be as good as hers. It's fine!!!
STOP with the I'm afraid. Get yourself together girl and give it a try.
Happy weekend.
Also, shout out to my number one fan Dillon. I see you.